You might want to incentivize parents to drop days that they know their child will be absent. This lets the parents share in the upside if the spot is sold to another parent. 

The amount that a parent would get paid is set by you, the daycare, when you set up each of your rooms. That is, you are able to adjust how much a parent gets paid out per room. 

To set (or edit) the amount paid to parents, simply add a percentage of the net revenue from selling the spot that you want to share to the parent. 

You can navigate to this page as a daycare by following these steps: 

  1. Select Rooms on the navigation
  2. Select the room that you would like to edit from the rooms shown
  3. Select the green Edit button at the bottom of the page
  4. Scroll down to the Booking Details section of the page. 
  5. Once you've edited the Percentage paid to parents section, make sure to click Save.