Sometimes you just want to know if a day becomes available in a daycare. In the past you could only setup a standby spot which would automatically book (and charge) you if there was availability in the room. Now, you can setup alerts so that you can be notified if something becomes available without having to commit to booking the spot.
To set up an alert from your dashboard, click the the appropriate child and then Book a Spot. Next, select the day that you want (1) to get alerted about. (Make sure that you're displaying the right daycare and room(2)!)
After clicking the day that you want, click the button that says "Enable Room Alert. (3)" Now, when availability is created you'll get an alert via email!
And here's how this looks on mobile:
Note that there might be other parents who also have alerts set up for this day and/or people that are sitting on standby so you'll want to act quickly!