Finding a daycares in Hopping In is simple, quick, and easy. Once signed in your account you can click the Find a Daycare button on the left side navigation. Put in your address or a fragment of your address (like your city or zip) and Hopping In will search for local and applicable daycares. 

It's a good idea to already have your children created in Hopping In because that will help this search functionality find daycares that are appropriate for your children. Of course, you can also use the filters on that page to find daycares for specific ages that the daycares have available. 

The daycare finder will provide a list of local daycares, their addresses, an idea of their average cost for a full day, and estimates of how many spots are usually open during the week. Clicking on the name of a daycare will take you to their profile page where you can read a bit more about the daycare, see the rooms that they have available, and the ages and services that they offer.

Once you find a daycare that you like you can click the Join button which will add you to the daycare's directory and let you start picking up spots!